Introducing Los Pipos, a concertant ensemble that masterfully crafts a unique genre known as Latin Fusion. This dynamic sextet, with roots in Peru, Cuba, Mexico, Germany, Chile, and Holland, embodies the power of diversity and unity since its establishment in 2017.
Their music is a vibrant tapestry of Latin American melodies, reimagined with a contemporary twist. The improvisational freedom and complex harmonies of jazz are seamlessly woven into the pulsating rhythms of Latin music, creating a sound that is both familiar and novel.
But Los Pipos is more than a band; it’s an energy. Their performances are a dynamic spectacle of sound and movement, a vibrant celebration of life and music. The band’s infectious joy of playing together permeates every show, captivating audiences with their unique blend of music and exuberant performances.
Los Pipos offers a musical experience that transcends borders and genres, creating a sound that is as diverse and dynamic as the cultures they represent. They have performed at major festivals, such as the North Sea Jazz Festival and the asphalt festival, and in 2021, they won the Dias Latinos Award in Amersfoort, Netherlands.
Philip Kukulies
Phone +49 151 21 233 542